Why do we need an Irrigation System?

Smart irrigation management to save water and money

Most of the time we take our irrigation systems for granted. They do their job and we never think about them again. However, if you’re trying to save water and money on your water bill, then investing in a smart irrigation system might be your best bet. In this article, we’ll talk about what a smart irrigation system is, as well as the many benefits they come with!

Smart irrigation management to save water and money

The use of a smart irrigation management system can save water and money. Rain can fall unpredictably, making it difficult for anyone to know when their lawn needs watering.

Why Smart Irrigation Systems?

A smart irrigation system can save as much as 50% of water and 60% of energy. That’s because the system tracks weather and ground type to calculate how much water is required for your lawn. The system also knows how much sunlight is available each day, which means the time spent watering will be reduced accordingly. A smart irrigation system can save as much as 50% of water and 60% of energy. That’s because the system tracks weather and ground type to calculate how much water is required for your lawn. The system also knows how much sunlight is available each day, which means the time spent watering will be reduced accordingly.

Benefits of a Smart Irrigation System


A smart irrigation system will only irrigate the plants when necessary, saving water and money. These systems can be controlled from a computer or a mobile app, giving you control over your plants from anywhere. Watering has never been easier.

 How to water your garden or lawn is not rocket science, although there are plenty of different irrigation systems out there competing for your business. Here we will break down the pros and cons of different systems and help you make an informed decision.


* Save water and money 

* Save time

* Easy installation

* Remote control



* Some brickwork required

* More expensive than other systems 

* If not installed correctly, you can damage your plants or kill them. 


On-demand systems work by sending a large amount of water to your garden and lawn and distributing it evenly. This can be done in a number of different ways: 

1) heavy irrigation, 

2) even distribution or 

3) drip irrigation. 

These are all different systems that have their own benefits and problems.

Pros:* Saves water or uses less water than other systems 

* Saves time

* Easy to install

* Easy to change settings


* Can damage plants or kill them if not installed correctly 

* If you live in an area with hard water or a filter, you will need to replace filters more often 

* Less precise than drip irrigation

If you use a sprinkler to water your garden or lawn, you are using heavy irrigation. This is when you flood your garden or lawn with water. The problem with this method is that it wastes a lot of water and can cause problems such as fungi and disease. 

Using a sprinkler or flooding your lawn also introduces water into the air as a fine mist which is very bad for the environment and your health. The best way to water your garden or lawn is to use drip irrigation or soaker hoses. 

Drip irrigation uses less water but more water is actually delivered to the plants because it is coming straight out of the hose. Imagine your garden or lawn like a sponge. If you use sprinklers or flood irrigation, you are watering more of the sponge than your plants. 

You may be able to see the results of flooding if you have puddles of water left in your garden or lawn. This is a result of too much water at one time and it has not stopped running through your sprinklers or soaker hoses. This extra water is wasted and it does not get to where you want it to go.

Try to keep the water off the sidewalks, driveway and patio. It is especially important to water at night so that you can avoid an unnecessary mess. If you must water during the daylight hours, do so in the early morning or late evening. 

A daytime watering can cause spots to form on your sidewalk or driveway. Sprinkler systems are more prone to cause these problems, but you can get the same results with a sprinkler if you don’t adjust the direction of the water.When you are watering, please be aware of your sprinklers. 

If they are spraying in all directions, you need to adjust them. Sprinklers that are not properly adjusted can spray water on sidewalks, driveways and patios. If you must use a sprinkler system, adjust the spray to a downward direction.

Is your irrigation system smart?

Smart irrigation systems are the trend now. They mean that your irrigation system is able to react to changes in weather, moisture, and even sunrise/sunset times. 

This means you are being much more efficient with how you water your lawn or garden. The ultimate goal of a smart irrigation system is to water only when it actually needs to be watered.

What Can You Do for Your Lawn and Garden?If you’re looking at ways to reduce your impact on the environment, start by making sure that your irrigation system is smart and working properly. This is the best way to make sure that your lawn and garden are getting water when they need it. Another great alternative to traditional, in-ground sprinklers is drip irrigation. 

Drip systems work best with smaller gardens and lawns because they focus water directly on plant roots where it’s needed most .If you’re considering installing a drip irrigation system, there are some things to keep in mind. First of all, the soil needs to be loose and well-drained. If your soil is on the clay side, you might want to consider adding some pea gravel or broken rocks to help with drainage. 

Secondly, you may want to consider using something like Evergreen B-1 drip tubing because although it’s certified for up to 18 gallons per hour, it’s not rated to withstand freezing. If you’re in a colder climate and you expect temperatures to drop below 32 degrees, you should consider using poly tubing instead of PVC.Now that I’ve convinced you to install a drip irrigation system, let’s talk about how to do it.


What are the benefits of using an IoT ecosystem for water management?

There is a lot of data and information that can be collected and analyzed with an IoT ecosystem for water management, such as: moisture, soil content, wind speed, rainfall, etc. These data points can help users optimize their irrigation system so they don’t over-water. 

If the moisture content in the soil is low and in need of water, then it can be determined whether or not the weather conditions are right for irrigation . If there hasn’t been a lot of rain in the past week, then it is probably not necessary to water the plants.

As a business owner, you want to be able to monitor your locations in real time so you can react quickly to issues. Whether there is a problem or an opportunity, you want to be able to take the necessary steps immediately. 

This is why it’s so important to have a robust IoT ecosystem in place at your company. It can help you make a lot of money and increase your market share.

What is the future for Smart Irrigation Systems?

According to a study by the Australia and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council, smart irrigation systems could save up to 20% of water. That’s not all: it can also reduce sewage overflow and water pollution. 

The report estimates that if all households in Australia were fitted with a smart irrigation system, we would actually save 500 billion litres of water. That is enough to fill 1.5 million Olympic swimming pools.

Industry players predict that smart irrigation systems will grow into a big global market . This is because it will play an important role in helping to meet global water security goals, which require 30% less water per capita by 2050.